We believe that education is our most powerful tool.
In the rural community of Villa Catalina, students from preschool to sixth grade receive theatre and arts education throughout the entire school year.
We work with the Ministry of Education to ensure that our class is integrated into the school day and our hope is to create a sustainable curriculum that can be transferred to other schools throughout the region.
self reliance
creative thinking
problem solving
self esteem
skills learned
theatre education
self discipline
conversation skills

We believe that our theatre productions cultivate community, social entrepreneurship and an appreciation for the arts.
Auditions for our large-scale productions are open to anyone throughout the region of Chinandega which brings people together from all different backgrounds. Currently, we produce at least two large-scale shows each year (including one original show) and we also add smaller productions throughout the year.
We charge for tickets (at an accessible price) because it teaches our artists the value of hard work and also helps to keep our productions sustainable. Through our large-scale productions, we have introduced countless number of people to the magic of theatre for the first time. Our hope is that "going to the theatre" will become a regularly used phrase here in Chinandega and throughout Nicaragua.

We believe that giving back to our community plays an important role in our mission.
We see a need in our community to bring hope to those who are suffering, lonely or marginalized. We want to love people well and use our talents to create joy, laughter, beauty and all things that spread light into this world.
Our goal is to create opportunities for our artists to get involved and help their local community. As we empower our artists to recognize and reach their full potential, our hope that they will do the same with others in their community.